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In the heart of the Marais is a museum dedicated to the master of cubism, Picasso, the Musée National Picasso-Paris.

To put you in context, Pablo Ruiz Picasso is a Spanish painter, draughtsman, sculptor and engraver recognized worldwide. Born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain, he spent most of his life in France, where he enjoyed tremendous success. He died in France in 1973 in Mougins.  He attended L’Ecole des Beaux-arts in Barcelona, the Real Acadamia de San Fernando in Madrid, and participated in the pink period followed by the blue period. It was while attending an exhibition of African and Oceanian art at the Musée de l'Homme in Paris that the painter discovered a reinterpretation of the human body that transgressed the classical rules. This was the trigger for Picasso who integrated "cubism" in his next works such as Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, Guernica, The portrait of Dora Maar... Today, Picasso's masterpieces are exhibited all over the world (Paris, NYC, Madrid, Barcelona, London...).

The Paris museum is housed in the Hôtel Salé, which was inaugurated in 1985. The museum's collection includes 297 paintings, 368 sculptures, and 20,000 pieces of personal archives from two dations (Picasso's heirs). In addition to these works, another 150 are dedicated to other artists who were a collection kept by Picasso himself.

As we go through the works, we discover the artist's creative process and techniques. We understand that he is a modern artist who helped revolutionize art, that he is a politically committed artist who advocates peace....


This museum brings a different approach to art. The challenge of the museum is to make discover the universe of the artist and to succeed in making the public penetrate there. Several activities, all as singular, are thus proposed to the visitors...

We particularly appreciated the guided and dramatized tour of the exhibitions. You will tour the works of the two "Maya Ruiz Picasso" exhibitions, but the works will be doubly interpreted by actors. This is a visit from the perspective of the dramatic arts. If you want to book this session, this is the imaginary visit.

We strongly recommend that you also attend the session Croquez Picasso! You'll be right in the middle of the subject of Picasso's creation, as you'll be challenged to draw by making a sketch. You will of course be guided by Sophie Lambert (visual artist).

To end your experience, go up to the 1st floor on the Rooftop to eat at the Café sur le toit!

If you have been seduced, from September 13, 2022 to January 29, 2023 will be presented the exhibition "Farah Atassi"...

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