The Place Tertre, place of the painters, is one of the most mythical places in Paris.
If you wish to continue your stay around the art of living of the painting, we suggest you to organize a day within the district Montmartre to go to discover and visit the Place de Tertre. This one exists since the XVIIIth century and saw passing on its cobblestones many great painters such as Picasso and Renoir...
How to get there? Go to the 18th district, take the stairs you will find, and go up to the top to arrive on the Butte de Montmartre located at 130 meters of altitude. You should then pass through the streets of Mont-Cenis and Norvins. And that's it, you are on the square! It is located right next to the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Montmartre.
The Place Tertre is quickly identifiable. It is organized in the form of a square hosting a multitude of artists in full work. They are continually drawing and painting models and even tourists. It is a colorful picture for the eyes.
You can stroll through the 140 artist's aisles and see the different styles of work on display on their canvases and easels: paintings, portraits and caricatures. You may even be invited to sit and pose for one of them. What to keep a charming memory of your Parisian trip?
It's a charming place, perfect for a romantic date.
We feel like we're in the middle of a typical Parisian movie scene from the 1930s where when we walk around we see an artist's performance. This is the image of the capital as we know it internationally: the city of love and the City of Light full of cultural riches to discover.
We highly recommend a detour to this beautiful and inspiring place.
After venturing into the square, we recommend that you stop to refresh yourself on one of the sidewalks surrounding the square. The square is full of cafes and restaurants. So sit back in a chair at the café Chez la mère Catherine (the oldest bistro in the capital dating back to 1793) and watch the square in motion. It's a real picturesque place to live in the neighborhood and has been for many decades. A soul reigns in this square.
And to finish your romantic escapade, head to the Sacré-Coeur which will give you a panoramic view of the city!